Colors: Purple Color

The Jewish community of Central Queens is reeling from the shock of the untimely passing of a well-known community personality, Mr. Marc Hoschander, Reb Melech ben Ephraim z”l. The warmth he radiated, along with his energy, enthusiasm, and zest for life, will be sorely missed. Marc was a compassionate, pleasant gentleman who ran to do a mitzvah and display his love for Hashem and His creations.

Imagine you wake up one morning, and suddenly notice that your hands are green. As you pull off your blanket, you see that your legs are green, as well. Your heart rate speeds up, as you realize that your entire room has turned green! As you walk around your house, you’re shocked to see that everything in your home has transformed into a leafy green. You head out of your house and make your way to work, and everything you see has somehow become green. As you pull up to your office, you pass by a reflection in the mirror, and you stop dead in your tracks – you’re wearing green glasses!

(NEW YORK) — The Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP) launched, a comprehensive report supporting reasonable rent increases from New York City’s Rent Guidelines Board, a cable TV spot called “Meet Joyce” ahead of the final RGB vote on Tuesday, June 21 at 7:30 P.M, as well as additional messaging in outlets ranging from El Diario to Amsterdam News, Sing Tao, the New York Daily News, AM New York / Metro and over a dozen other publications.

European Jewry Comes out on En Masse to Celebrate Torah
and Undertake Daily Limud HaTorah

Major Daf HaYomi B’Halacha Siyumim in England, Belgium South Africa and Australia

“Rabbosai, THIS is the time!” said the venerable Rosh Yeshiva of Mir, HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Ezrachi, shlita, his voice shaking with passion and emotion. “We all have to make a decision, a decision that will impact the rest of our lives! We have to decide, now, at this exalted maamad that we will learn Torah EVERY DAY. EVERY DAY!” And then Rav Ezrachi switched to French, “Tout Les Jour - Every Day!”

(New York, NY) — This evening, the NYC Rent Guidelines Board approved a rent adjustment of 3.25% for one-year leases and 5% for two-year leases. The final vote was 5–4. This rent adjustment falls dramatically short of the adjustment necessary to keep up with operating costs, which was calculated at 4.5% in the RGB’s Price Index of Operating Costs (PIOC). The PIOC calculated the necessary increase when inflation was only 4%. Nationally it is now over 8%.