On Sunday evening, December 24, Let’s Get Real with Coach Menachem featured a Zoom shiur with Mordechai Weinberger, LCSW, well-known speaker, author, and the Executive Director of the Serenity Center in Spring Valley, New York. Mr. Weinberger shared that it is part of human dynamics that no matter how close you are to someone, there will be places that you disagree. The question is how do you deal with this discord?

I received a beautiful Chanukah gift this year from Emet Outreach’s Learning Program. It was a new sefer by Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, Founding Rav of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere. There was so much inspiration packed into this sefer, that this writer felt compelled to share some of the beautiful ideas with our readers. The sefer is titled By the Light of the Fire.