Colors: Blue Color

The month of Adar at MTA has been incredible! Starting with a Freshman overnight, grade trips for Sophomores and Juniors, and a very special Senior day trip to Connecticut, complete with a visit to the Yeshiva of Waterbury, there has been a wide array of special programming. In addition, last week, MTA hosted their annual rebbi-talmid game that was enjoyed by everyone (and won by the rebbeim for the third consecutive year!).

The third-grade girls’ Purim Play was a success! Lower school students, teachers, and parents had the chance to watch the story of King Achashveirosh, Queen Esther, and Mordechai. The girls did a wonderful job!

Twenty-eight Middle School students of Great Neck’s North Shore Hebrew Academy (NSHA) – both Ashkenazic and Sephardic – joined together, on Purim Day, to chant the “Gantze Megillah,” at its Cherry Lane campus, in a program initiated in 2001 by Dermatologist Dr. Paul Brody – now called the “Dr. Paul Brody Megillah Readers Program,” upon his retirement two years ago. Cantor Yitzy Spinner instructed the Ashkenazic students and Judaic Studies Middle School Principal Rabbi Simon Basalely and teacher Shmuel Bitton, instructed the Sephardic students this year. Each student read from the beautiful Megillah that was purchased by the NSHA, named the “Dr. Paul Brody Megillah,” upon his retirement, to be used by all student readers on Purim Day festivities.

On a recent Monday afternoon, Rabbi Uri Sklar opened his home to his eighth-grade class at Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe for the talmidim to enjoy a special winter barbecue, albeit with fantastic weather! The boys got involved and helped prepare the barbecue delights. The close-knit peers enjoyed playing basketball, football, ping pong, Ga-ga, and Step It Up, the Jewish dance game.