As Shavuos concluded, the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills continued its tradition of presenting a critical discussion to the community. This year, the Dr. Simon Lopata Shavuos Forum delved into the changing demographics in Queens. A gathering of men and women spanning various ages and hashkafic backgrounds listened in as Rabbi Yaniv Meirov, CEO of Chazaq; Adam Suionov, Jewish liaison to Council Member James Gennaro; and Jennifer Martin of the Queens Civic Association each gave their assessment of Queens today. Each of the presenters is affiliated or has been a member of an array of other noteworthy credentials, making them knowledgeable of the neighborhoods we call home today.

Yom Yerushalayim was celebrated by Ateret Cohanim/Jerusalem Chai with a remarkable dinner at Terrace on the Park on Wednesday, June 1. Led by Rabbi Dr. Joseph Frager, Chairman of the Board, and his team of Daniel Luria, Executive Director and International Spokesman; Chaim Leibtag, Director; and Shani Hikind, Executive Vice President; Guests of Honor Josh Nass, Dr. Gene and Polina Berkovich, Michal Harris, and Amalie Heching all partook in accepting their honor for celebrating the heart of Israel and strengthening Jewish roots in Yerushalayim. The program featured remarks by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman, and New York City Council Member Inna Vernikov, as well as a tribute to Reb Zerach Epstein z”l, and Mel and Mildred Wadler, founders.

The sun shined bright upon Kew Gardens Hills on the morning of the second day of Shavuos, Monday, June 6, the perfect setting for a one-of-a-kind hachnasas sefer Torah dedication. As I opened my house door shortly after 8 a.m., I was greeted by friends and family of Chaim Shimon (Michael) and Tziporah Rachel (Shari) Vatch, joining in a festive Torah procession to Khal Degel Israel. A typical Torah procession often includes a lavish music truck and torches held by children. But the scene on my block was pure hartzig singing, apropos for a Yom Tov that embraces the essence of accepting Torah as our own.

Friday, June 3, marked the voting registration deadline for the June 28 Primary Election. Ahead of this deadline, a united voter registration drive was held at Yeshiva Kesser Torah in Kew Gardens Hills on a recent Wednesday afternoon. The shul, under the leadership of Rebbetzin Trani Rosenblatt and Rabbi Avraham Garber, graciously opened its doors to Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Director of New York Government Relations for the Agudath Israel of America, and Rabbi Yaniv Meriov, CEO of the Chazaq Organization, to encourage the steady stream of congregants to have their voices heard on Election Day.