“Chanukah tells us a story of the Jewish people coming together on their own to fight back against an invading force,” said Congress Member Meng at her Chanukah party, held traditionally on the Sunday morning prior to the holiday. “As Israel defends itself against terror and as the world faces horrifying instances of anti-Semitism, you are not alone. We saw what happened, we witnessed what happened. We believe you, you are not alone, you will not be abandoned, and you will not be neglected.”

The Thank You Hashem brand has successfully found volunteer hosts for their signature Mitzvah Corners to spread the light of mitzvos to all. Queens was proudly added to that list on Sunday, November 5. Naomi’s Pizza and Falafel’s expansive sukkah structure has had new life, first as a collection site for essentials for IDF troops, and now as the TYH Mitzvah Corner for two Sundays running. The Queens organizer, a vivacious young woman, sought to bring the program to Main Street as a way for children to make a profound kiddush Hashem by participating in the merits being stacked up as a z’chus for the chayalim on the frontlines and the citizens of Eretz Yisrael who have been displaced or put at risk of injury.

In the aftermath of October 7, Jews worldwide sought opportunities to help the IDF defeat the enemy and assist the thousands upon thousands of kibbutz residents begin to recover as they return to reestablish their communities. For Kew Gardens Hills resident Dr. Jack Walfish, this journey led to Moshav Naveh, a moshav on the southern border five miles from Gaza and two miles from Egypt in the Halutza Sands desert. Its strictly religious population pays homage to Israel’s first Chief Rabbi, HaRav Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook zt”l, and his son, HaRav Tzvi Yehuda zt”l. The consortium was established in 2006 in the aftermath of the Gush Katif disengagement; they settled in Naveh, continuing their belief of mishmar ha’gvul, defending the established borders of Artzeinu HaKedoshah with a peaceful living experience by reinvigorating the sacred soil with farming and agriculture production in regions greatly underpopulated.

The 2024 fiscal year budget cuts have dealt a terrible blow to the Brooklyn Public Library, New York Public Library, and Queens Public Library systems. The just-announced mid-year budget cuts have sadly eliminated the well-regarded seven-day service citywide. This means that the coveted Sunday service at the vast majority of participating branches has been axed. The library system will also reduce spending on library materials, programming, building maintenance, and repairs. These cuts will be devastating to these essential services provided by the expansive library system.

Margaret Tietz Nursing and Rehabilitation held a festive Veteran’s Day celebration on Thursday afternoon, November 9, commemorating the sacrifice of service members, represented by a handful of resident veterans. The program once again featured the musical delight of The Melodeons, an all-senior, Queens-based chorus. The group enthusiastically sang varied classics from yesteryear, including marvelous solos, while dressed in showy top hats, bowties, cummerbunds, and suspenders. They showed their patriotic colors with the US and Israel national anthems.