Colors: Blue Color

On the surface, the days of S’firas HaOmer seem to have two somewhat contradictory themes: On one hand, it’s a time of mourning, when we limit joyous activities, like making a wedding, listening to music, or buying new clothes. On the other hand, the month of Iyar, which sits in the middle of S’firas HaOmer and contains the majority of its days, is a time of great rachamim (compassion) and an influx of Divine healing. The Hebrew letters that spell the month of Iyar are actually an acronym for the phrase “Ani Hashem Rof’echa” – “I am G-d, your healer” (Sh’mos 15:26).

SINAI Schools will hold its annual Unique Inspirations Student Art Show on Wednesday, May 22, 5-6:30 p.m., at a private home in Queens. Generously sponsored by Bear Givers, the family-friendly event will feature artwork by students at its SINAI@YCQ campus created through SINAI’s Paley-Mironov Art Therapy Program.