There’s nothing like working out to transform you from a flabby guy who needs to go to the gym to a flabby guy who needs to take a shower.  That said, the following are some tips that I’ve picked up in almost two years of going to exercise classes, on and off.  Before you take my advice, though, bear in mind that I’ve been in this class for almost two years now, I’m in the same class as people who’ve joined way more recently, and I’m showing no signs of eventually graduating.

We now return to the fertile topic of “expressions that annoy me,” which is growing ever bigger the older I get.

And I’m not just talking about expressions that people say specifically to annoy you, such as, “You’re old!”  My bother frequently says this, just because I’m older than he is.  And I have to constantly be reminded, because I’m old.  He says it all the time, whenever he can work it into a conversation, because younger people like repetition.  And this isn’t going away, because I’m always going to be older than him, as far as I can tell.  But if I would’ve known he’d be like this, then I would have said, when he was younger, “You’re young!”