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The West Does Not Understand The East

The vicious systematic slaughter on October 7 of innocent men, women, and children points out the...

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With the annual ritual of changing clocks upon us, I decided to side with my colleagues in the medical profession and cast my vote for Standard time 365 days a year. The medical benefits of utilizing this approach are significant. The following medical organizations have all touted this idea: American Medical Association, American Academy of Sleep Medicine, American Academy of Cardiovascular Sleep Medicine, American College of Chest Physicians, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and Society of Anesthesia and Sleep Medicine, to name a few.

On February 13, Thomas L. Friedman penned a piece in The New York Times entitled, “Biden’s 46 Words About Israel at a Critical Moment.”

I remember well the days when William Safire and AM Rosenthal ran the roost. They were titans and their words resonated the world over. Democracy is just not the same without that dynamic duo.

This past February 26 marked 30 years since the first World Trade Center attack, which killed six people and injured thousands. I happened to be in Manhattan that day and remember the smoke rising from the North Tower. It was a frightful day and an ominous foreboding of the murder of nearly 3000 innocent people on 9/11.

Much has been written about the proliferation of illegal guns in America. Unfortunately, Israel faces a similar problem with the Arab population and illegal gun possession. In the United States, illegal guns have fueled a crime wave the likes of which have never been seen before. In 2022, crime was up 22% in 2022 in New York City. Illegal guns from Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, and Pennsylvania that are driven up Interstate 95 on the “Iron Pipeline” to New York have wreaked havoc on the citizens of New York. In Israel, most of the illegal guns and terrorists hail from Jenin and Nablus. The source of the illegal guns in Israel is somewhat more complicated.

The “Day of Hate” Neo-Nazi Groups in America declared on February 25 made me think about the Holocaust. The ugly head of anti-Semitism seems to be rising again throughout the world. Social media has unfortunately given a new and vibrant platform to this old and insidious disease. Unless social media is reigned in and anti-Semitic content blocked, the situation will only get worse.

The new Netanyahu government could not have been elected too soon to thwart the illegal land grab by the Arabs in Judea and Samaria. The new coalition has made this thankfully a priority. It’s about time. The government is to be commended for demolishing illegal Arab outposts in Wadi Rahhal and Irtas in the Gush Etzion area recently. This is just the tip of the iceberg.