Have panic attacks become your new cardio? The weather today is increasing anxiety followed by full-blown dread. Do you feel that? The tsunami of anguish, angst, and alarm headed your way before the upcoming holidays. Need I remind you that we almost always agonize over things that never come to pass? Yet the worry, nail-biting, and dread hit us all at different times. You may toss and turn half the night, or sit around over-thinking all day long. Here’s a free tip, sweet friends: Fretting does not actually allow you to control your future.

Life is all about choices. Like: Remove your shoes, or scrub the floor. Gee. Speaking of which, never laugh at your wife’s choices. You’re one of them. Heh. So, have you convinced yourself that happiness is something that happens to some folks and not others? Well, guess what? You can actually choose to be happy. What do you choose today: anger, hate, sadness, or love? If you spend your precious days dwelling on the past or fretting about the future, what do you suppose happens to your “present”?