Leading Gedolim Deliver Pesicha Shiurim as Over 500 New Shiurim Open in 22 Countries Throughout the World

“Amud HaYomi is phenomenal! It is a manifestation of ribui Torah, increasing Torah not only in quantity but even more importantly, in quality. The fact that thousands upon thousands are beginning this new limud and gaining a better, deeper understanding of what they learn is a tremendous tikkun,” exclaimed HaGaon HaRav Dovid Cohen, shlita, venerated Rosh Yeshiva of Chevron in a unique shiur pesicha that he gave to Masechta Brachos in honor of Klal Yisrael’s new Amud HaYomi program that began this past Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan with Daf Beis Amud Aleph of Masechta Brachos.

In addition to the k’dushas ha’aretz and the unique mitzvos of Eretz Yisrael, there is another fascinating phenomenon in the Torah that relates to the uniqueness of Eretz Yisrael. There are several instances where Chazal mention the concept of k’fitzas ha’derech, literally translated as “jumping the path.” This refers to the unique ability to travel at a pace more quickly than the laws of nature would normally allow, thereby enabling someone to travel extraordinary distances in mere seconds or perhaps even instantaneously. How and why does this occur?

I will never forget what happened that night. After going to hundreds of lectures, and giving quite a few myself, I thought I’d seen it all. But I had never seen anything quite like this.

“I want the very best.” That’s what we tell ourselves, isn’t it? As human beings, we understand that there is a spectrum of quality for everything, and we want only the best. We desire the best relationships, teachers, friends, food, clothing, experiences – the best of everything. But what makes something the best? Sometimes, it’s the quantity; this brand supplies more of its product for the same price. But often, it’s the quality that makes the difference. When you pay an increased rate for a service, experience, or luxury, you do so with the assumption that you are receiving a higher quality product, one that is fundamentally improved from the basic, standard package. With this in mind, let us explore a unique idea connected to Eretz Yisrael.

As we begin the new Torah cycle, let’s take a moment to contemplate the deeper purpose of Torah. Some may refer to the Torah as a history book; others may think of it as a book of law or a source of Jewish wisdom. While these are all true, they only scratch the surface of the Torah’s true nature. Torah is not simply a guide to living a life of truth within this world; it is the blueprint and DNA of the world itself. Our physical world is a projection and emanation of the deep spiritual reality described in the Torah. This is the meaning behind the famous midrash, “Istakel b’Oraisa u’vara alma – [Hashem] looked into the Torah and used it to create the world.” (B’reishis Rabbah 1:1). Torah is the spiritual root of existence; the physical world is its expression.