In an intriguing episode,

The widow Tamar carried out

A plan, brash and bold;

On the outskirts of town,

Sat at the crossroad,

She would never wed Sheilah,

But his father showed.


Three months later,

Accusers secerned,

A priest’s daughter played the harlot,

They condemned her to burn.

One last word spoken

On her own behalf:

“Recognize, if you will,

This ring, cloak, and staff.”

The execution was halted,

The pledge verified,

The lion rose up, saying,

“She is more righteous than I.”

Tamar knew the danger

Of the plan she’d advanced,

But the claim, as her right,

Couldn’t be left to chance.


Some run from trouble,

Accept things as they are;

Others move towards the fire,

Raising the bar.


One article of pledge

Given by the King

Is the staff of Jewish exile,

Two thousand years of wandering;

The Holy Land promised,

To our people, since ancient times,

Convenient for some agendas,

To be kept “Judenrein.”


Demolished this week,

Two yishuvim

Their shuls and homes dashed,

But not their dream

In pieces, Geulah Tzion  and Ramat Migron,

Young families, in the freezing rain

Chilled to the bone.


Defenders of the pledge

Of Israel’s destiny,

Despite another onslaught

Of police brutality;

Female cops beat women settlers,

Male cops beat the men,

They’d never strike an Arab

Kid gloves are worn for them.

On the outskirts of world opinion

At history’s crossroads you sit,

Portrayed as no more than

Losers and misfits;

Re-build one-room shuls and homes

That will soon again be razed;

But, your faith cannot be bulldozed,

Your resolve is unfazed.


Israel is the cornerstone

On which the world is built,

Injustice emanating from her

Puts everything on tilt;

The world now, in a whirlpool,

A noxious, sinking ship,

But, one last straw,

One day,

Will cause the scales to tip;

The lowly will succeed,

Those now ensconced in power

Who give Israel’s land

To her enemies

In a precarious hour.


Till then, may HaKadosh Baruch Hu

Strengthen the brave,

You, who take on trouble

May He rescue and save;

Those who move towards the fire,

Willing to take a stand,

As Tamar, who loved our nation,

And you, who love our Holy Land.


By Sharon Marcus