If you’re a beauty junkie, it’s easy to possess a huge makeup collection. However, it needs to be organized in order to streamline your morning routine and allow you to get out the door faster. When your makeup collection is outdated, full of products that no longer work, or simply in disarray, it’s time to incorporate some changes to get your day off to a good start. The following four tips can help organize your stash of cosmetics.

    1. Take inventory of your collection: Go through all your makeup and discard any broken items, cosmetics past their prime, or any products that no longer work for you. Dispose of old mascara and liquid liners because they can harbor harmful bacteria.
    2. Sort and separate: Separate the makeup you use for your daily routine from your special-occasion items. This way you can eliminate rummaging through a vast array of products on a daily basis.
    3. Choose clear organizers: Investing in clear acrylic or plastic containers will make your life easier and less complicated. If you store your makeup on a countertop and have limited space, opt for stackable containers. The Container Store and Bed Bath and Beyond both carry a large array of inexpensive, clear organizers to meet your personal needs. To separate your shadows, blushes, powders, etc., choose an organizer with dividers. Brushes can easily be stored in pretty mugs or pencil cups. If you keep your makeup in drawers, you may want to purchase cosmetic trays with handles that can easily be lifted and returned to the drawers.
  1. Let there be light: Lastly, turn your space into a makeup station. If the area is not well lit, buy an adjustable magnifying mirror with lights to help you see clearly. You will be amazed at the difference it makes when you put on your makeup.

Although it takes time and effort to organize your makeup area, it will certainly be worthwhile. You will save time getting out the door and feel pretty as well.

Risselle Naimark is a Professional Freelance Makeup Artist and Skincare Consultant. She carries an extensive line of personalized skincare, cosmetics, and anti-aging products. Risselle is also available for weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, makeup lessons, and all of your beauty needs. She can be reached at 718 263-5517.