When we work to refine ourselves and our connection to Hashem, we can arouse the Divine Assistance we need to not only succeed in our endeavors but to also change our very mazal. Through t’filah, t’shuvah, and tz’dakah, we can merit brachos and y’shuos that were previously not suitable for us. A negative Heavenly decree can be rescinded; and a y’shuah can come even “when a sword is resting on your neck.”

Many mitzvos are well-known s’gulos, for example, giving tz’dakah is a s’gulah against natural death, honoring parents leads to a long life, separating challah and eating the m’laveh malkah meal after Shabbos is a s’gulah for an easy childbirth, and properly keeping Shabbos is associated with all manner of brachah. According to Chazal, when someone sincerely davens for the welfare of another, it is a s’gulah to have his or her own t’filos answered (see Bava Kama 92a).

Of course, a person’s level of kavanah while performing a given mitzvah is important and gives the resulting spiritual impact a boost. As a Sages taught, “Praying without proper kavanah is like a body without a soul.” (Tanya, chapter 38) and “…halachah rules that [all] mitzvos require kavanah” (P’ninei Halachah, T’filah 15:8).

However, even where the intent is, for some reason, limited, it can still have an impact. It’s widely known, for instance, that reciting words of Torah and T’hilim have an influence on the person and in the Heavenly realms, even if the person reciting them does not fully understand what he or she is saying.

The s’gulah should ultimately strengthen our special, treasured connection to Hashem, His Torah, and the tzadikim. Regardless of whether a given s’gulah itself has the potential to be effective, the sense of hope and mental relief that it offers has the power to lift us out of a destructive state of depression, self-pity, and grief, and gives us a chance to reconnect to the Source of brachah and an eventual y’shuah.


(Material was previously published on ShiratMiriam.com.)


List of People Who Need a r’fuah sh’leimah (a complete recovery)

Please recite Psalms 20, 30, 88, 121, and 130.


Yossi Azriel ben Chayah Michal

Aviel ben Ktziyah Batyah

Eliyahu ben Sophia

Mordechai ben Rachel Anba

Nissim ben Devorah

Ezra ben Farida

Yossi ben Vardit

Yaakov ben Mazal

Nissan ben Yael

Yehoshua ben Miriam

Eliyahu ben Miriam

Aharon Mordechai ben Sharon

Moshe ben Rachel

Gavriel ben Imo-Shalom

Marik ben Tamara

Yitzchak ben Chanom Chanah

Yosef ben Leah

Shlomo ben Miriam

Shalom Baruch ben Malkah Freida

Ilay Eliezer ben Rivah Rivkah

Misha Moshe ben Tamara

Meir Yaakov ben Esther

Shlomo Hartzel ben Eka

Chaim Zanvil ben Sarah Dinah

Reuven HaKohen ben Golda

Amram ben Perla

Arkady Avraham ben Mazal

Itai ben Ahuvah

Eliyahu ben Rachel

Pinchas Yitzchak ben Beila

Yosef Gideon Yaakov ben Peninah

Yaakov Reuven ben Brachah

Rachamim ben Rachel Leah

Tzvi ben Ratza


Tovah Yocheved bas Esther Bukas

Ruchamah Perel Malkah Leah bas Chanah Serel

Esther Hadasah bas Devorah

Alizah bas Miriam

Shoshanah Shurah bas Zina

Luna bas Rachel

Malkah bas Miriam

Malkah bas Reicha Shifrah

Adele bas Adi

Evon bas Sally

Karen bas Rachel

Chavah bas Sarah

Brachah Chanah bas Sarah

Tovah Chanah bas Sarah Devorah

Rachel bas Edith

Chanah Elianah bas Naomi

Gittel bas Malkah

Mira Gitta bas Beila Mariasha

Adele bas Sofia Sarah

To add names of individuals who need a r’fuah sh’leimah to next week’s T’hilim column, please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and complete the Google form.