Do you ever feel as though you undermine your own agenda? You made some irrational choices and perhaps even experienced physical symptoms throughout the day. You ordered four more things from Amazon that you clearly do not need. I know. At this point you feel like they should save a seat for you at the dinner for your Amazon delivery guy. You missed the gym for two years in a row now and you simply aren’t getting where you wish to be in life. Speaking of which, people who think a minute goes fast have clearly never done a plank.

Do you care if others are aware of and accept your feelings? Does he give credence to your moments of sadness or anxiety? Does she support you when you are overwhelmed with anger or uneasiness? When was the last time someone said: “I can see that you are truly upset today. How can I help?” Or: “You seem unusually down in the dumps. I’m so sorry.”

When was the last time you conjured up one of a million excuses for not doing something you really should? You may be justifying your choices and lifestyle simply out of fear of change or perhaps an aversion to discomfort. You may have always wished for a more fulfilling career, but you seem to always find what you call good reasons to stay put. You thought you wanted a career, but it turns out all you wanted were paychecks. I love asking kids what they want to be when they grow up, because I’m still looking for ideas.

Is it too theoretical or abstract to ask if people can actually change? If someone you care for or love inflicts pain on you time and time again, you may just begin to ask yourself that question. It may be someone you are incredibly emotionally invested in, and you do not want to simply walk away.

How can you live a more joyous life? The universe is made of material things, clearly, but what comprises your essence? Do you often feel disorganized or even aimless? If your life is out of order, how can you function day after day? Believe it or not, organizing your day soothes stress and anxiety. It will additionally give your confidence a much-needed boost.