Dating Today

Argumentative, Or Simply Having An Opinion

Dear Goldy: I went out a few times with a girl. The next thing I know, the shadchan calls and told me...

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When I run into friends in the neighborhood, it’s usually in one of the grocery stores. When they ask, “Where’ve you been?” – because they haven’t seen me in a while – I always say I’m either working, home, or here shopping. The last time an encounter such as this happened, instead of catching up on each other’s lives, my friend asked if all the letters I publish and respond to are real. When I was asked that by an individual I was meeting with for work, then I knew I had to write this specific column.

This isn’t a letter asking a question, but someone telling us what he really feels and wanting others to know it as well.

Dear Goldy:

My sister called last night and told me to get my dancing shoes ready because her daughter Raizy became a kallah. I was shocked, surprised, happy…and confused. A few weeks ago, my sister said that Raizy, her eldest, was going to start dating. I laughed and told her she better be ready for the long haul. Three out of my four children are, bli ayin ha’ra, married. I know the ups and downs and craziness that goes on.

We hope that our loved ones date and marry someone who is a good, caring person – someone who will love and appreciate them for the rest of their lives. It would also be an added plus if the spouse got along with the rest of the family. Many times, while “researching” a shidduch, one will ask about “his/her family.” You’ll find out about siblings and whom they married – and always it’s “They are a great family,” but you never really find out about the family dynamics.

Dear Goldy:

I’m writing because I think my son is hurting himself. He was set up with a girl. My son likes her. He hasn’t dated anyone else for this long. But he’s afraid to take the next step, because she earns more money than he does. Her position in the company she works for is more prestigious than his is at his company.

I have always said that I’m here to be a friend when you need one or an ear to vent to. Someone has taken me up on my offer and needs a little pep talk, a little positivity push to actually do what she wants to do. I’m here for my readers in any way they need me.