Bnos Malka Academy will be hosting its 28th Annual Dinner on May 21 at Da Mikelle Palazzo. The school will have the opportunity to celebrate another year of educational excellence while recognizing richly deserving honorees. The Guests of Honor this year are Rabbi Dovid and Mrs. Tova Delman, an outstanding couple with a passion for Jewish outreach.

They have impacted countless lives, from at-risk teens in Beit Shemesh to college students in Texas, and for eight years at Stonybrook. Since moving to Queens, the Shabbat @ the Delmans program hosts between 50 and 100 college students weekly. Rabbi Delman has worked with Emet Outreach, NCSY of Roslyn, and now with Chazaq. He also teaches at Bnos Binah/Ateres Naava Seminary in Brooklyn, while Mrs. Delman teaches UPK at Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe. Together, they have raised a beautiful family with four of their children in the Bnos Malka family: Sara Bracha (2019), Tzvia Ahuva (2022), Yocheved Gittel (grade 8), and Kayla (grade 5).

Educator of the Year Morah Rina Devorah Kritzman


Mike and Marina Zavurov, Parents of the Year, have been helping the school for many years in their distinctive, quiet, unassuming way. Michael Salzbank, executive director, is quick to note, “I have relied on their counsel many times, on large and small projects. They give so freely of their talents and resources to benefit the school. Mrs. Zavurov one year volunteered to make her famous dessert for the parent appreciation melaveh malkah.” Despite preferring to stay out of the limelight, they nevertheless accepted the honor this year to show their hakaras ha’tov and to strengthen Bnos Malka.

The Kesser Shem Tov awardees are Rabbi Yisroel Meir and Chaya Faigy Kramer. Rabbi Kramer, a musmach of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim, spent years in chinuch and currently works as a project manager for a real-estate company. Despite his busy schedule, he continues to give weekly shiurim and inspire a wide audience with weekly Torah thoughts via WhatsApp. Mrs. Kramer has also been deeply involved in Jewish education through Ohr Naava and Partners in Torah. Professionally, she was awarded by her public school district with the Leadership and Community Service Award. This is a couple that strives to be m’kadeish Sheim Shamayim and richly deserve the Kesser Shem Tov Award. Bnos Malka parents of Ilana (grade 8), Sara (grade 3), and David (Pre-K).

Parents of the Year Mike and Marina Zavurov


Morah Rina Devorah Kritzman, the Educator of the Year, is an exceptional teacher who brings to Bnos Malka a unique passion to inspire her young students in Pre-K. With a master’s degree in early childhood education and special education, along with a love to travel the world, Morah Rina Devora infuses her classroom with a sense of wonder. “I strive to have my students be curious, kind, compassionate, and appreciative of the world around them.” She clearly has achieved that and much more.

Kesser Shem Tov awardees Rabbi Yisroel Meir and Chaya Faigy Kramer