Dating Today

Argumentative, Or Simply Having An Opinion

Dear Goldy: I went out a few times with a girl. The next thing I know, the shadchan calls and told me...

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I love it when people help others. I am the one tearing up watching the videos of strangers helping strangers on the street. These people don’t know each other. They don’t owe anyone anything. They are not obligated in any way to go out of their way to help another person. But they do! These people give me hope. For every rude person who doesn’t hold the door open when they see you’re five feet behind them carrying packages, for all the people with road rage cutting you off, for all the Dunkin Donuts employees who wouldn’t let my daughter, three years old at the time, use the bathroom because “that’s the rules.” To which I responded, “I’ll buy a coffee. She’s three. Please.” and still the employee asked me to leave the store (not the DD on Main Street.) For all of those people, who make me wonder what happened to them to make them so hard and bitter towards others, these are some that still give me hope.

Dear Goldy:

I’m dating someone and everything about him is fine. The one thing I can’t stand about him is he always tries to finish my sentences or thoughts. And what’s worse is that he’s always wrong and way off base regarding the direction I was going.

Dear Goldy:

I am one of the last of my friends to remain single. I used to go with friends to singles events. But in the last year or so, I attended them alone. I see familiar faces – of both genders. I smile, nod my head, and make small talk with other regulars, but there is something that really bothers me. I’m finding that women come in groups and stay in their own groups at events, whether it’s an evening/afternoon event or a Shabbaton. The Shabbatons are worse. When singles are supposed to mix and get to know new people, the women stick with their group – not just a group of women, but with male friends mixed in, as well. It’s almost as if they went away for a weekend and are choosing to hang out with just themselves, not getting to know new people, aka men, at the same singles event, which defeats the whole purpose!

Dear Goldy:

I first met Avi (fake name) on a dating website. We emailed at first, and then actually dated. Avi matches what he described about himself in his dating profile, and he looked like his picture. So far, it was a win-win. I wouldn’t go as far as to call Avi my boyfriend, but hopefully it will head in that direction.

Dear Goldy:

I need to know how to help my brother. He’s 43 and doesn’t know how to date, which is why he’s still single. I love and think the world of him. I want him to find his bashert, who will love and appreciate him as he deserves.