Sometimes you look around and you can’t believe how lacking we as a society are in intelligence these days.  But I believe in looking at the bright side of things (unless I have to look at the other side for an article), and the bright side is that our criminals are getting less intelligent as well.

Welcome back to “How Should I Know?” – the advice column that used to run on a regular basis until, as a cost-cutting measure, it was decided that people do not need advice on a regular basis.  Once in a while is plenty, they decided.  Despite my advice to the contrary.  So my advice might not be something that people have to listen to.  But what I lack in volume, I hope to make up for in volume. 

I’m really excited about my new phone.  

It’s a desk phone.  I don’t know why you’d care.  But everyone’s always subjecting me to listen to them talk about all the features of their phones, so today I’m going to talk about all the features of mine.