On Monday evening, June 28, Rabbi Avraham Nissanian spoke on behalf of Eshel Avraham on the subject of wishing to live another person’s life.  He began by speaking about the difficult events recently that all involved choking.  The pandemic involved a deadly virus that caused choking, the people in Meron died of choking, and in the shul in Yerushalayim and now in the building collapse in Surfside.  We are being sent so many reminders from Hashem that we all need to find our own happiness, which is right under our noses. We need to stop thinking that the grass is greener for others.  Lack of achdus causes collapses.

I recently met with Tami Frank, a Queens community member and Circling leader, to discuss something that she discovered that has had a great impact on her life.  The subject she wanted me to share is called Circling (also known as Interactive Talking Meditation).  It is an organic, in-the-moment interpersonal process that’s equal parts art form, meditation, and group conversation – all designed to allow a visceral experience of connection and understanding of another person’s world, celebrating who and where they are right now.