Karen made aliyah with her family 27 years ago, filled with excitement and idealism. Like most people living in Israel, she never imagined we’d be in the state of war we now find ourselves in. Additionally, as a member of the chareidi community, she didn’t expect that she would one day have a son serving as a combat soldier in the army. But life is full of surprises. With humor combined with authenticity, Karen inspired a standing-room-only crowd of women in Ramat Beit Shemesh as she shared her experience of discovery and growth.

We have a lot to be grateful for. We have been witnessing many miracles of late. Police and military sappers neutralized a car bomb near Ateret in the Binyamin region on Monday morning. It is believed that the car bomb, containing 49 kilos (over 108 pounds) of explosive material, was intended to be used against a school bus filled with children heading to school. Baruch Hashem, police and military sappers detonated the vehicle in time, and tragedy was averted.

At 6:30 a.m., Dudi and his wife woke up to explosions they had never heard before. With seven seconds to race to their safe room, they grabbed their kids and ran to where their guests were sleeping. Dudi’s wife ran without her head covering. Who could even think about such things at that time?

Dudi Rabi was studying in Yeshivat Shavei Chevron during the summer of 2005 as the country battled out the looming disengagement from Gush Katif when the IDF removed the 8,600 Israeli residents from their homes as part of Israel’s unilateral disengagement from Gaza. As tensions swelled and tempers flared, Dudi felt himself pulled in two directions.

There’s nothing like old friends. For this reason, I look forward to the summer get-together of a group of friends of mine from seminary/college days. The core group lives here in Israel, but friends from abroad will join if they happen to be visiting at the time of the event.

October 7 was a turning point. The world changed dramatically. Similar to the reference points of historical events such as the attack on Pearl Harbor and 9/11, our lives will forever be divided into two distinct periods: life before and life after October 7. The horror that has continued unabated since that day was accompanied by one positive thing. The division and unbridled sin’as chinam that permeated our society seemed to have dissipated.