empty The Way It Iz

The Era Of Conservative Reformation

Have you ever wondered why society has become increasingly polarized? It seems like every year,...

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This past weekend, the decision was made for President Joe Biden that he would not continue pursuing a second term in office. This should come as a major relief to all Americans, as we no longer in danger of having a president in the cognitive decline Biden is currently in. Regardless of your party affiliation, this should come as a relief.

If you haven’t been following the insanity of the saga of Adele Andaloro, you are missing out on what may be the most mind-boggling saga in New York right now, and if you own a home here and are not careful, her story can easily become yours.

Have you ever wondered why society has become increasingly polarized? It seems like every year, the gap between Right and Left grows - as does the animosity between the groups. There used to be fiscally conservative Democrats and Republicans who were pro-government-based healthcare. These days, the difference between a moderate and far member of a party is less in policy, but more in scale. How pro-life are you? How pro-choice are you? How many crimes should Donald Trump be convicted of? How much do you revere Donald Trump? Why don’t you find mixes of political policy anymore?

Three weeks ago, President Biden suffered one of the most disastrous public relations days of any president in history. Special Counsel Robert Hur released a report explaining why charges for mishandling classified documents would not be brought against the President. The report noted that the 81-year’s memory was “hazy,” “faulty,” “poor,” and had “significant limitations.” The President was also unable to recall when his own son, Beau, tragically passed away. All in all, President Biden will not be charged with a crime because the special counsel did not believe that a jury would find Biden to be in his full mental capacity, and therefore, a conviction would be highly unlikely.

The time has come for the state with the largest Jewish representation in the country to make our voices heard. Nobody reading this needs to be informed of the horrendous situation in which we find ourselves in present-day America. It can be dangerous to walk down a given street in New York City with your Jewishness showing, and all the more so on a college campus. 

If you watched the Super Bowl on Sunday, congratulations: You were part of history. At 123.4 million people tuning in, Super Bowl LVIII broke the record for the most-watched event in television history, and that would make you a Guinness World Record holder.