Do you find yourself repeating dynamics that go in the wrong direction in your life? Do you notice identical patterns of behavior at work or at home? Perhaps you sabotage yourself at work, fearing that others will do it before you. Speaking of work, there’s a new rule: You’re not allowed to work longer than the number of hours you slept the night before.

Do you remember how intense your enthusiasm was when you first met her? You think of him constantly and want to spend more and more time in his presence. Even in our friendships, the early phase of adulation and admiration rarely, if ever, lasts.

Do you have a healthy relationship with sleep? Are you careful about your bedtime?

“I’m pretty sure I have insomnia, but the good news is I’m not losing any sleep over it.” Uh oh. Did you buy those black out curtains and do you practice your meditation nightly? If you have a cavalier approach to bedtime, you may find yourself overwhelmed and utterly exhausted at times.

Are you incurably addicted to your own gratification? Perhaps you engage in inordinate amounts of pleasure-seeking. Maybe you know someone who seems incredibly self-absorbed. Your friend or mate may even ignore you in the name of his own needs.

Have you ever had a chat about nothing in particular with a total stranger? Perhaps at a bus stop or on the grocery store line? Oh, and did you ever get all your grocery shopping done for the week on Sunday, and ate half of it by Monday? I feel you. Then again, you know what they say: Grocery shopping – where you spend half your time looking for things you need and the other half avoiding people you know.

Have you ever found yourself suddenly unable to carry out your normal day-to-day activities? Perhaps you started crying and simply could not stop. Or you took to bed in the middle of the day. You know what they say: Naps are tricky, because you either wake up refreshed and relaxed, or you have a headache, dry throat, and are unaware of what year you’re in. But truly, underneath layers of deception, you may have convinced yourself that you are incapable or unworthy of going on in this life.