A few years ago, when stories first emerged about people eating bugs – or at least foods with bug content – they were dismissed as fake news, conspiracy theories, and the like. Unfortunately, they proved to be all too accurate. And the details we’ve learned since then make this story even more bizarre and disturbing.
Many people are enthusiastic about silver, which is quite surprising because it has disappointed for so long. Which of the following best describes these people? Are they savvy investors and speculators who know a bargain when they see one? Or are they true believers, completely out of touch with the markets? There’s probably truth in both of these answers.
In 1977 and in the following years, countless young people danced in discos to the tune of “Stayin’ Alive.” That was a long time ago, but in a sense that title is even more relevant today. The proof: Numerous people believe the sky is about to fall down, and they’re making elaborate plans to stay alive if the unthinkable happens.
The market crash on Monday, August 5, was an awful event and it may yet end up becoming even worse than that. Meanwhile, Wall Street carries on as usual.
Ardent basketball fans, caught up in the excitement of games, often chant “De-fense, De-fense.” There are several reasons why they do, but all boil down to supporting the home team and discouraging the opposing team. “De-fense” also can be important to Wall Streeters. Has the time come for investors to become defensive?