Middle of the Road: R’ Yehuda Oppenheimer

Leil Shimurim: Hashem Eclipsed Our Enemies

They say that “seeing is believing.” In our age of technical wonders and artificial intelligence,...

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This Lag BaOmer eve, I reflect on how different this night is from all other Lag BaOmer nights, as so many things are different these days. You see, while Lag BaOmer is special all over the world, here in the Galilee, less than ten miles from Meron, things usually go to a different level. For at least a week before, and a few days after, there are enormous traffic jams as hundreds of thousands come to be near the grave of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. The truth is, even in standard years, cars cannot get anywhere near there. Down the road from where I live, in Karmiel, a huge parking lot is created on an empty field, and buses run from there to Meron every five minutes, 24 hours a day, for about three days.

As Rosh HaShanah of this very strange year approaches, it is time for introspection, and thinking of perhaps making some changes. This unprecedented year, as has been endlessly commented upon, has been mostly a disaster. We stand before U’N’saneh Tokef once again and – as never before in my lifetime – wonder who will live, who will die; will it be in a calamity, or a plague, or by trouble breathing? Who will be at peace and who will be subject to riots? How can we – how should we – pray differently? Is that what is needed so that this coming year will be better?

Tish’ah B’Av is now behind us. Once again, we have introspected as to why we have not yet merited the Final Redemption, particularly so in this unique and strange year. We certainly have – once again – determined to do something about the primary cause of the destruction of the Second Beis HaMikdash per Yoma 9, i.e., sin’as chinam (SC), usually translated as “baseless hatred.” And yet, looking around me at the state of world affairs, I must conclude that the problem of SC is, in fact, worse than ever.

The Rebbe began by citing the verse in Yeshayahu (26:20-21):

Go, my people; enter your chambers and lock your doors behind you. Hide but a short while, until the anger passes. For Hashem shall come forth from His place to punish the dwellers of the earth for their sins, and the earth shall disclose its bloodshed and shall no longer conceal its slain.

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