Sadly, again this year, Mashiach did not come in time for us to celebrate Tish’ah B’Av as it should be: a joyful holiday. Instead, we had to sit on the floor; but the community is blessed with the incredible dedication and work of Chazaq, Beth Gavriel, and TorahAnytime, so the day was not just a day to get through, but, as Chazaq put it, a day to grow through. Chazaq featured a “Tish’ah B’Av Marathon” with speakers from 10:30 a.m. until 6:45 p.m. at Beth Gavriel, and TorahAnytime live-streamed a record 16 live events that were going on all around the world with locations in Queens, Brooklyn, Monsey, Israel, England, and more – so that the day was turned into a very meaningful day of Torah and growth.

Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan spoke at Beth Gavriel on Tuesday evening, July 23. He shared a strong motivational speech on discovering your inner power. “Fear is the number one reason for every negative action we do,” he taught. Jealousy stems from fear. “If we cannot conquer fear, we cannot conquer anything.”

Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society is a lifeline for 25,000 patients around the world with a full staff around the clock, guiding patients every step of the way. They help patients with insurance advocacy, referrals, patient support, and medical direction, follow-up appointments, grants for second opinions (which in many cases is life-saving), transferring medical records, and staying on top of the situation. On Tuesday evening, August 6, local rabbanim, local politicians, and community members gathered at the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills to show support to RCCS.

The largest known public display of Torah thoughts on Shiv’ah Asar B’Tamuz took place right here in Queens, sponsored by Chazaq and Torah Anytime at the Agudath Israel of Kew Gardens Hills. Our community is fortunate to have Chazaq and Torah Anytime in our midst. Both of these organizations are constantly immersing our community and klal Yisrael in Torah and holiness.

On Sunday evening, July 14, a crowd gathered at the Beth Gavriel Center for an eye-opening shiur on dating with purpose, given by Rabbi Jonathan Rietti, renowned speaker, on behalf of Chazaq. Rabbi Rietti involved the audience as he began by asking people to share qualities they hope to find in their future spouse.