Esti (Steinig) Sarles, author of the newly released picture book, The Very Important Puzzle Piece, is a Kew Gardens Hills resident and an alumna of Shevach High School. She has always enjoyed creative writing.
As a teacher of young children for many years, she dreamed of writing a children’s book. The idea for her book came after teaching a lesson to her preschool students where she held up a puzzle that was missing a piece and explained how you need all the pieces to complete a puzzle. In the same way, Hashem needs each person to come together to complete His beautiful world. This is the theme of her rhyming picture book.
Esther Rodbell, an extremely talented artist, crafted the delightful illustrations. Esther and her family live in Atlanta, Georgia. While getting to know each other, Esti learned that Esther’s mother, Leah/Lindsay (Vogel) Rodbell, grew up in Queens and attended Shevach High School as well.
Atara Paris, a graphic designer and former Queens resident, then formatted the text and illustrations. Baruch Hashem, there were lots of Queens’ connections with this book.
Esti says there are two important lessons she hopes people will take away, both from reading her book:
- Never underestimate yourself and/or your worthiness. Hashem created you, and you have a special place in His world that no one can take away from you.
- Never give up on your dreams! With Hashem’s help, you can achieve anything, as long as you are willing to put in the work necessary to make it happen.
Esti shared, “Although my book is intended for children, I hope that people of all ages will enjoy the story, as well as internalize the message it conveys: Always remember that you are a very important puzzle piece.”
Esti hopes to write another children’s book some time in the near future. In the meantime, she wants to continue taking advantage of any other creative writing opportunities that come her way, such as poems, letters, and articles.
Here is an excerpt from the book:
Shloimy was a friendly boy
Who loved to go to school.
He tried his best to listen
and follow every rule.
Sometimes it was hard to do
What needed to be done.
Especially in the middle
Of having so much fun.
The story goes on to share how the main character, Shloimy, learns his important role, both as a member of his class and of klal Yisrael.
Here is the ending paragraph.
Hashem’s world is like a puzzle,
And each person’s an important piece.
When we serve Hashem, we do our part
To make the world complete!
Esti includes a mishnah in Pirkei Avos that teaches us that everyone and everything should be treated with respect, because each person has a special job to do, and each object has a special place in the world.
What a beautiful lesson to convey to children and to all of us!
The community wishes Esti much hatzlachah with her new book and continued success in her writing career.
To purchase a copy of the book, for more information, or for any creative writing needs, please contact Esti Sarles at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
By Susie Garber