Introducing Mission: Siyum

Shuvu was founded by Moreinu Horav Avrohom Pam ZT”L three decades ago on the simple belief: Every immigrant Jew should have the schools and support to connect to their heritage and thrive in Eretz Yisroel. 

And that goal is being realized in Shuvu schools, kindergartens, and after-school programs every day.

Students who arrived unfamiliar with even Shema Yisrael are learning Gemara with miforshim. 

Unaffiliated families are being inspired by their newly-educated children. 

Jewish children are learning Torah in earnest, nurtured by the warmest, most caring teachers in Israel. 

In 77 schools with over 15,000 students and their family members, Torah is being passed to the next generation with love and purity. 

Now, the Shuvu children of the past thirty years are taking on an incredible challenge for the first time - the completion of the whole Torah. 

Join us as we celebrate the culmination of three decades of success!

Mission: Siyum will encompass the completion of the entire Torah in partnership with the children of Shuvu. 

Every part of Tanach and Shas will be learned by both an American partner and a Shuvu student, leading to a grand joint live Siyum on March 14. 

One of our alumni, Karen Niazov, chose to learn Sefer Yonah. “His story resonates with me so much,” she explained. “I also felt lost until I finally came back to Hashem with Teshuva!”

Another alumnus chose to learn 10 completely new blatt Gemara as a gift to Shuvu. “This is my Bikurim. I want to give back to Shuvu for everything they’ve taught me.”

On January 13, Shuvu introduced this incredible project on Coach Menachem’s popular live weekly conference*. The program began with a moving brachah from Hagaon Horav Reuven Feinstein and powerful words of chizuk from Charlie Harary. Later, Shuvu director Rabbi Chaim Michoel Gutterman shared the incredible impact of the program, which has already begun in Eretz Yisroel. “Every child received a Schottenstein Talmid Bavli,” he explained, “and in many of these homes, this is the first time that a Gemara is seen in the house.” Rabbi Mordechai Eisenberg, who is spearheading Mission:Siyum in the US, followed up by explaining how men, women and children can all get involved. “These are children who come from homes where Torah was lost in their family for generations. They’re back now, and they’re learning. You can partner with them and show your support by learning alongside them.”

The learning program will kick off on January 31 with an exciting live virtual event featuring Joey Newcomb and other exciting guests.

Join and choose a segment of Torah to learn - be part of this historic movement!

To find out how you can get involved, go to


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