For many years, I was privileged to host an inspiring yearly parlor meeting at the home of my long-time chavrusah, Aaron Kopelowitz, for the benefit of Yeshivas Beth Abraham Slonim in Yerushalayim. Founded by the Nesivos Sholom zt”l in 1942 when the destruction of the European Slonimer kehillah became known, the yeshivah has been a bastion of Torah and chassidus and continues to grow with many thousands of students in its many educational divisions and branches across Eretz Yisrael.
Unfortunately, due to the Covid epidemic, there was a lapse of three years during which we were unable to have this event. Baruch Hashem, we are now able to come together once again to show support for the yeshivah.
We look forward to greeting the Rosh Yeshivah, HaRav HaGaon Rav Moshe Berezovsky shlit”a, son of the Slonimer Rebbe shlit”a, grandson of the Nesivos Sholom zt”l who will surely inspire us with his divrei Torah.
This evening will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Mae Kopelowitz on her first yahrzeit.
We will be privileged to distribute literally “hot off the press” a new enhanced edition of Sefer Zichron Kodosh written in memory of the martyred “Yunger Rebbe”, Admor Rav Shlomo Dovid Yehoshua hy”d and his kehillah, with essays from Nesivos Shalom which express his hashkafah relating to Churban Europe. I have dedicated this column in memory of my father, Reb Zev Walfish z”l who in his younger years learned b’chavrusah with the Nesivos Shalom in the Slonimer yeshivah in Baranovitch.
Looking forward to greeting you in person.
By Dr. Jacob Walfish