MTA’s summer tour continued, this time in Eretz Yisrael, at an amazing meet-up at NCSY Kollel. MTA talmidim always make up a significant contingent at the Kollel, and this summer is no exception. It was great to see everyone having his “Best. Summer. Ever.” MTA rebbeim Rabbi Tanchum Cohen, Rabbi Akiva Ackerman, and Rabbi Shai Kaminetsky are all rebbeim in kollel, as well, and enjoyed the reunion. Mrs. Friedman brought the swag bags and Marzipan rugelach, and enjoyed catching up with the many current talmidim, recent alumni who are working in kollel, as well as rebbeim in kollel who represent some of the best of MTA’s alumni.
The talmidim are growing in their learning and are being inspired on a daily basis. There is a lot of positive feedback from each one of the boys, as they are continuing to enjoy this transformative experience. The talmidim are looking forward to continuing their learning and growth back at yeshivah. MTA looks forward to welcoming them back to yeshivah next month!