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Over 90% of undergrads at Touro’s Lander Colleges who apply to medical school and 98% who apply to dental school secure spots. As a national leader in medical and health science education, Touro gives its students an edge. From research and shadowing opportunities to medical missions in Thailand and Nepal, test prep and clinical training, Touro offers students every opportunity to realize their dreams of becoming doctors, dentists and other health care professionals.

Rosenthal leads Queens Jewish Community Leaders in hate crime conversation with top city officials

Assemblymember Daniel Rosenthal hosted Mayor Adams, NYPD Commissioner Sewell, and other top City officials for a town hall focused on the rise in attacks against Jewish New Yorkers. Joined by Queens Jewish Community leaders from all around the borough, Rosenthal, Adams, and Sewell fielded questions on city and state strategies to tackle the drastic rise in hate-related attacks around NYC. The meeting was held at Shevach High School in Kew Gardens Hills, where students also voiced safety concerns to the panel amid recent crimes in the area.

In this week’s parshah, Yosef revealed himself to his brothers after not seeing them for 22 years. The pasuk states: “Vayomer Yosef el echav: ‘Ani Yosef. Ha’od avi chai?’ V’lo yachlu echav laanos oso ki nivhalu mi’panav” – And Yosef said to his brothers: ‘I am Yosef. Is my father still alive?’ But his brothers could not answer him because they were left disconcerted before him (B’reishis 45:3).

Chabad On Campus hosted their annual menorah lighting on the Queens College campus, this past Monday evening, December 19, the second night of Chanukah. A remarkable forty students watched a six-foot ice menorah being carved, while they enjoyed delicious sufganiyot and soothing hot chocolate for a wintry evening. The unique lighting ceremony was co-sponsored by the Queens College Hillel, and the OU’s Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (OU-JLIC). “It is always wonderful when the students come together, even in frigid temperatures, to celebrate Chanukah and show their Jewish pride on campus,” said Rabbi Shaul Wertheimer, rabbi, Chabad of Queens College.

On the eve of Chanukah, Sunday, December 18, Met Council, America’s largest Jewish charity dedicated to fighting poverty, hosted a Chanukah Day of Service to benefit home-bound Holocaust survivors with US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. Attendees from throughout New York City gathered at Community Board 12 in Brooklyn to pack food for survivors with Senator Gillibrand and her teenage son.