With the Yamim Nora’im fast approaching, classes and activities at the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls focused on Elul inspiration starting with the first days of school!
Choose Your Own Outdoor Pre-Rosh HaShanah Workshop enabled the students to pick from a variety of teacher-led sessions to help make Rosh HaShanah more meaningful. A very inspiring Zoom interview with noted singer and baal t’shuvah Nissim Black in Yerushalayim and a special outdoor kumsitz and U’Nesaneh Tokef video helped give significant depth to the girls’ Yom Tov t’filah.
Optional programs of Lunch and Learn and evening mishmars were well attended, as SKA students took advantage of the opportunity to grow in their spirituality. Shiurim sponsored by the SKA SPARKS committee included sessions of “Making Meaning of the Machzor” with Rabbi Rice, “Nesivos Shalom on Chodesh Elul” with Mrs. Drebin, “Making It Count” with Mrs. Bernstein, and “Letting Go of Our Excuses” with Ms. Daitch. The annual Hataras N’darim also made an impact on our Elul davening.
The fast day of Tzom Gedaliah offered another chance to inspire with a voluntary Have a Meaningful Fast Program, as SKA students made sukkah decorations for non-frum families who will be having a sukkah for the first time!
Gallery of Inspiration, hung up for students to view, reflected on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown while our Erev Yom Kippur speaker, Rav Gav Friedman, brought new insights to the upcoming fast day.
Although there are physical barriers, masks, and social distancing, Yom Tov inspiration at SKA is being imparted throughout the school. SKA wishes our students, faculty, and administration, together with klal Yisrael, a G’mar Chasimah Tovah.