On Thursday, December 10, Shevach High School enabled its student body to start off Chanukah with a bang, with the grand opening of “NesCafé”! Four Juniors headed this creative enterprise: Tehila Davidov, Shayna Friedman, Faiga Lind, and Chan Simes, under the guidance of the Shevach Educational Administrator, Mrs. Devorah Kovitz. They explained why they chose the theme of NesCafé for their annual Chanukah Chagigah; “A Nes happened on Chaf Hei Kislev,” and we want to exemplify the importance of recognizing the miracles that Hashem performed for klal Yisrael during these days.”
The four Chagigah heads transformed the Multi-Purpose Room into the storefront of a café (hinting to outdoor dining?), complete with an eye-catching outdoor awning. They outdid themselves with decorations lining all the pillars in the room. There were menus posted, and product advertisements such as mini-3D lattés, doughnuts, ice coffees, and much more, each replicated to perfection! The decorations certainly created an aura of excitement among the girls, and had them feeling like they were truly visiting a café!
The program began with the Shevach Principal, Rebbetzin Rochelle Hirtz, giving a d’var Torah on Parshas VaYeishev, leaving the girls with an inspiring Chanukah message of hope: “Even when a situation looks dark and bleak, with bitachon in Hashem, anything is possible; and even if we are ‘rabim b’yad m’atim,’ we can prevail.”
Mrs. Kovitz then introduced the renowned mentalist and illusionist Mark Garfinkel for entertainment. Mr. Garfinkel truly amazed the girls and the staff with an incredible show. Everyone left wondering either, “How in the world did he read my mind?” or “How in the world did he get me to read his mind?”
At the end of the program, each student was given an individually packaged box that included a doughnut, a warm latke, Chanukah gelt, a bag of chips, and (to top it all off) a delicious iced coffee. The girls left the Chagigah strongly inspired with the message of hope, and the memory of a fun-filled event to be carried throughout the eight days of Chanukah.