Since the beginning of the school year, a dedicated cohort of learners went above and beyond as part of Rambam’s prestigious Masmidim Extra Learning Program. Under the leadership of Rabbi Avrum Haar, the talmidim Zoomed in every week to spend their free time in extra night seder and lunch learning.
This week, the Rosh Mesivta of Rambam, Rabbi Zev Meir Friedman, addressed the whole school via Zoom to recognize the significance of Torah learning, and encouraged all the talmidim to join the program. Rabbi Yotav Eliach, Principal of Rambam, also shared his thoughts and made it clear that “We should stop thinking about extra learning as an extracurricular” and make it a regular part of lives.
The rebbeim who take part in Masmidim – Rabbi Haar, Rabbi Yosef Ziskind, Rabbi Ari Boiangiu, Rabbi Ariel Rosensweig, Rabbi Meth, Dr. Daniel Gober, and Reb Zach Beer – were also thanked.
Each masmid was given a plaque acknowledging his dedication to Torah learning, as well as a SWAG bag that is perfect for carrying s’farim.
Congratulations to the Fall Semester Masmidim: Joshua Aminov, Itamar Ben-Oni, Baruch Bluth, Shlomo Braverman, Marky Breuer, Boaz Duftler, Binyomin Gross, Donny Guttman, Ben Herskowitz, Yaacov Lazar, Tzion Masri, Mordechai Newman, Simcha Orenbuch, Raphael Pam, Mendel Rosenberg, Chaim Schreck, Hillel Schuck, Yosef Smith, Shmuel Vulakh, Binyamin Werner, Naftali Wodinsky, and Nathaniel Zarny.
A new semester of Masmidim has begun and is already drawing even more talmidim to the halls of Torah.