The dream has remarkably become reality: Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe held a celebration marking the historic opening of their Junior High School building this past week. Following many months of construction, logistical planning, and fundraising, the seventh and eighth graders proudly moved into their new facility at the corner of Audley Street on Beverly Road in Kew Gardens, just a few short blocks from the main campus.
“What a tremendous z’chus for our talmidim to inaugurate our new space with beautiful t’filos and a kol Torah resonating throughout the halls,” shared the yeshivah’s menahel, Rabbi Don Pacht. The welcome program featured the participation of Rabbi Pacht; Rabbi Uri Becker, assistant menahel of the Junior High School and eighth grade rebbe; Rabbi Chaim Eli Welcher, Administrator; the joyous inaugural student body; and the esteemed rebbeim: Rabbi Meir Gottlieb, Rabbi Hersh Kasirer, and Rabbi Uri Sklar.
Acknowledgement is extended to Rabbi Herschel Welcher, marah d’asrah, Cong. Ahavas Yisroel, who came to be part of the special first day in the new building and offered divrei brachah to the talmidim and hanhalah.
The yeshivah looks forward to inviting the broader Queens community to the formal chanukas habayis in the near future!
Special mazal tov wishes are sent to the administrators, educators, and students who helped mark this very special day in YTM’s storied history.