Shevach High School’s acclaimed chesed program was launched for this year on Wednesday, October 25. Using the theme of “Chesed Around the Clock,” the chesed committee outdid themselves in all ways to bring excitement and an eagerness to participate in this special z’chus. Under the leadership of Shevach’s Assistant Principal, Rebbetzin Chani Grunblatt, the chesed committee introduced various opportunities and practical suggestions in how to make a difference in the lives of many families and wonderful institutions within our community.
The morning opened with words of inspiration by the Shevach Menaheles, Mrs. Shulamith Insel, who quoted from a letter written by the Chofetz Chaim almost 100 years ago. The Chofetz Chaim quoted a Chazal that states that Hashem says that if those who are in need of chesed do chesed for one another, Hashem Himself, Who is full of chesed, will, how much more so, do chesed for His creations. The letter continues: “In our days we have to strengthen ourselves with all our might in the midah of chesed so that we can thereby awaken the midah of chesed in Shamayim to protect us in these trying times.” Mrs. Insel reflected that reading this letter felt like a personal message sent directly to her, and really to all of us, during these painful days for klal Yisrael. How incredible it is for us to know, she continued, that our acts of chesed have such a powerful impact in Shamayim.
The students were then privileged to hear from Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg, Rav of the Chofetz Chaim Torah Center of Cedarhurst, a sought-after speaker, and the founder of the beautiful organization Ohel Sarala. Ohel Sarala was created in memory of his teenage daughter Sarala, whom he and his rebbetzin tragically lost seven years ago. It matches up singles wishing to find their shidduch with couples struggling with infertility. Each person then davens for the partner they were paired up with. This combination of the power of chesed and the power of t’filah has brought y’shuos to thousands of people.
Rabbi Ginzberg stressed that no chesed or t’filah goes unanswered, and he encouraged the students to do something extra to bring the rachamim that klal Yisrael needs now. Just as Noach and his family were busy with chesed the entire time they were in the Teivah, thereby deserving to survive the Mabul, so too we have the power to change any judgment upon us to rachamim through our acts of chesed. And just as Avraham Avinu brought chesed to a new level, we, too, should be looking for creative ways to bring chesed to the larger community.
We are living now in a time of pain and distress, but at the same time, all Jews are rallying for the sake of other Jews. There are warehouses of chesed in so many cities and countries, where people are working tirelessly to provide supplies to the brave soldiers defending us in Eretz Yisrael, as well as packages to their families. For our part, we need to redirect our thoughts, tone down our simchahs, and play an active role in easing the challenges of others. We should be grateful and alert to the many possibilities and opportunities around us.
The chesed committee then sang an original theme song followed by a well-done song-video depicting how “Chesed Never Ends at Shevach.” Thanks to the hard-working Shevach Senior Chesed heads, Rochel Becker, Dina Bondi, Gitty Hellman, Shani Koss, and Shira Lesser, the Shevach students left with a feeling of pride, motivated to incorporate the words of Mrs. Insel and Rabbi Ginzberg into their daily lives for the benefit of klal Yisrael during this difficult time. May the acts of chesed the Shevach girls perform be a z’chus to end the tzaros that are upon us and bring Mashiach bimheirah b’yameinu Amein!