Orot welcomed Shawn Balva on Wednesday, December 6, as a guest speaker. Shawn shared his remarkable journey as a baal t’shuvah during his time in prison. Raised in Las Vegas, Shawn had dreams of pursuing a career as a professional football player. However, like many teenagers, he succumbed to the temptations of drug abuse and violence, leading him down a destructive path.
At the young age of 21, Shawn found himself incarcerated, facing the consequences of his actions. It was within the confines of the prison walls that he began to see Hashem in various aspects of his life. During his journey to religion, Shawn had the privilege of studying with Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, who became his role model and guide during his growth.
Shawn’s account of finding G-d in one of the darkest places on earth was truly remarkable. Having overcome his addiction and regained his freedom, he has now written a book titled CONVICTion, which vividly portrays his life in prison and the events that led him there. The book serves as a testament to his journey of redemption and is an inspiration to others facing similar challenges.
Following the lecture, attendees had the opportunity to engage in a Q&A session with Shawn, delving deeper into his experiences in prison and beyond. Additionally, Shawn conducted a book signing for his newly released memoir, and even took photographs with attendees. The event was an incredible program once again at Orot, leaving a lasting impact on all those in attendance.
Orot continues to provide the community with inspirational speakers like Shawn Balva to share their stories of resilience and personal growth. By hosting such events, Orot aims to inspire and uplift its community, bringing them together with programs and events. For more information, please call 929-313-2177.