The Eighth-Grade girls organized a very special evening at YCQ on Wednesday, December 27. Over 120 people, including students, their families, and staff members, gathered to make challah, pray, and come together as one, as a z’chus and fundraiser for those in Eretz Yisrael.

While everyone was waiting for the challah to rise, there was a “brachah party,” where all the attendees made brachos on various foods and answered Amen to those around them. The special brachah for Hafrashas Challah was then recited in unison. The lights dimmed, candles were lit, and the evening concluded with a powerful moment of t’filah.

Special thank you to Mrs. Cohen, Morah Shirly, Mrs. Jaffe, and Mrs. Ambalu for their hard work and efforts to make the event so successful.
The evening helped raise funds for the equipment needs of a YCQ alumnus’ IDF unit in a front-line area. To learn more, visit