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In the holy books of the great Sages of Israel we find countless praises for one who immerses in the study of the Holy Zohar, and the incredible spiritual power of such study. While the Zohar is usually associated with deeply esoteric and mystical matters, in reality more than half of its content deals with simple and revealed concepts that can be understood by all, including many powerful words of mussar and chizzuk. These teachings are meant to sanctify and strengthen a person, as well as to help them overcome the yetzer hara that seeks to pull a person away from the divine path. In our generation, it has become all too common for people to fall into the trap of materialism, focusing on the desires of the body instead of the holy soul. As pointed out by our Sages, the Zohar has the ability to save a person from this trap and to illuminate one’s life in this world below, while at the same time opening the door to eternal life in the World to Come.

In Sefer T’hilim Chapter 10, it says: “He lies in wait, like a lion in his lair (literally “his sukkah”).”

He lies in wait to snatch the poor one; he snatches the poor one by pulling him into his net. (T’hilim 10:9)

The blood plasma of a recovered coronavirus patient has made significant strides in acting as a temporary Band-Aid to quell the virus in newly infected patients. On July 30, President Donald Trump held a roundtable discussion urging Americans with high levels of coronavirus antibodies to volunteer as soon as they can and seek local plasma donation centers to help others inflicted heal and vastly reduce mortality. Over 50,000 plasma transfusions have been given in the US to date. “Together we will defeat the virus; we will defeat the invisible enemy,” declared the president. The surgeon general also called upon young people to donate. “The seniors are showing us up,” Jerome Adams noted. “We need everyone to do their part, because we are in this together.” To combat the virus, Dr. Anthony Fauci called on large-scale donations of plasma. “In the hundreds of thousands,” would be necessary, he stated.