Colors: Blue Color

Nowadays, do-it-yourself (“DIY”) projects abound. However, writing one’s own Last Will and Testament should definitely not be on one’s to-do list. Individuals often think that a last will and testament is a simple, basic document, but this is usually not the case. A DIY will can lead to complications and issues that may result in added costs and aggravation in the long run. More importantly, such a will may result in one’s wishes not being carried out. 

There are 15 psalms in the Shir HaMaalos series. According to the Talmud (Mishnah Sukkah 5:4), the 15 “Songs of Ascent” (Shir HaMaalos) of T’hilim (Psalms 120-134) were sung by the L’vi’im while ascending the 15 stairs in the Beis HaMikdash. The Talmud describes that the L’vi’im would graduate from one step to the next, while playing their instruments and singing one of the 15 corresponding psalms – one Song of Ascents on each step.

The passing of this great “little” man, Sam Weisinger, left me particularly sad and wistful.

During my tenure in Forest Hills, I had the incredible privilege of getting to know quite a few Holocaust survivors, who are among the most special people on Earth. While all of them went through their own unique unspeakable experiences, and all of them are heroic in their own way, Mr. Weisinger taught me more than anyone about the power of emunah and hishtavus (equanimity), and of love of Hashem and His Torah.

A crowded audience attended a Reception benefiting Chazaq's life-changing Program for public school students to attend Yeshivas, on Thursday, August 8, at the home of Dr. Paul and Drora Brody, to commemorate the 8th Yahrzeit of Mrs. Bea Brody z”l, Baila bas HaRav Ya’acov Aryeh z”l. The reception, featuring Guest Speaker Eli Rietti, author of The Frum Revolution, marked Chazaq's inaugural Great Neck reception in private homes.