In 2016, I had the privilege of sitting down with a few senior Republican Congressmen not long after the Trump victory. All of them told me that the one thing they wanted most of all to be accomplished during the next four years was filling any vacancies on the Supreme Court with conservative-minded justices. The 2016 election was considered the most critical in recent American history because of the possibility that three seats would become available. This would ensure the stability of the American republic for many years to come. Twenty-six percent of Trump voters reported that the Supreme Court was the most important factor in their decision; only 18 percent of Clinton voters thought the Supreme Court was the most important issue. President Trump, by nominating Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett, guarantees the successful future of America.

Sovereignty – or as the world likes to call it, “annexation” – of Judea and Samaria is still the goal. Despite the brilliant and extraordinary peacemaking efforts by the Trump administration, the 2,000-year dream of re-applying sovereignty to Israel’s Biblical and historic heartland should still be the prime focus.

Historically, the Jewish people have always done better when their political leaders have gotten behind their rabbinical leaders. One of the reasons for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s success and longevity has been his respect and rapport with rabbinical leaders. It should not be lost on or forgotten by future prime ministers. It is to Ben-Gurion’s credit that he had a close relationship with first Chief Rabbi Abraham Isaac HaKohen Kook, of blessed memory. It is also a remarkable feat that Ben-Gurion continued the Chief Rabbinate and handed over control of marriages, conversions, divorce, and kashrus after the founding of the State of Israel in 1948. Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook envisioned the Chief Rabbinate as a position as follows: “The Rabbanut will have an impact by virtue of its constant efforts to bring people together, to inject a spirit of harmony among all parties and factions, and to strengthen the Torah and its honor in the Holy Land and throughout the world.” It is up to all of us to achieve this lofty goal.

President Trump was spot on when he recently said that “the reason I’m here is because of President Obama and Joe Biden. Because if they did a good job, I wouldn’t be here. And probably, if they did a good job, I wouldn’t have even run. I would’ve been very happy.” He concluded, “I enjoyed my previous life very much, but they did such a bad job, I stand before you as President.”