Honestly, do you find flaws in everything and nearly everyone? Yes, there is a boatload of negativity in the world. Humans can be selfish and cruel. He took advantage of you. She deceived you. Well, that is only one version of the world, sweet friends. I get it. Turn me over. I’m done on this side.
Sure, it’s easy to see the worst aspects of humanity. No one gets through existence unscathed. However, you may need to free yourself from that negative bias. Do you even look for beauty and kindness? Speaking of beauty and fashion…We have fabric that stops bullets, yet pantyhose are still ripping. Go figure. And remember that Monday is the only day you can wear the exact same outfit as yesterday, without anyone knowing.
Life may present a minefield of obstacles. You may experience uncertainty. We do not have to predict every challenge that comes our way. Face your fears, take some risks, and believe in your own ability. Trust me. We all learn by doing.
Lifelong happiness ultimately comes from within. You may need to deepen the knowledge of who you are. Be the kind of person you want to be with. Savor meaningful moments with friends and loved ones.
Try not to catastrophize. Most things in life are truly not black or white. We all have strengths and weaknesses. Please do not measure your success against his accomplishments. She may experience things that you haven’t. That’s all right. Comparisons are utterly detrimental and even damaging.
He seems perfect on social media, but trust me – he gets bored, cares too much what others think, and feels insecure, too. People hating on you? Don’t entertain those clowns, unless you want to be part of the circus. And speaking of social media, don’t you need a vacation from hearing about other people’s vacations?
You know what they say: The more you hate your life, the more your life will hate you back. Follow your own compass, my friends. You do not always have to follow someone else’s footsteps. Make decisions that come directly from you. Be honest, please. Do you care more about doing good or looking good? Your opinions are not as important as your deeds.
Your negativity may protect you at a huge cost from the confrontation of something which threatens to be even more painful. We often self-sabotage, my friends. Worrying or staying manically busy can distract us, and addiction can even keep us ignorant of our true emotions.
Some truths are so highly distressing, that we simply do not wish to face them. What do you place your hopes in? Life may have placed us in a situation where our normal, hopeful way of thinking becomes impossible.
It is unclear what the future holds. What is the panacea? Take it one day at a time, sweet friends. I know. I had my patience tested. I’m negative. Then again, whoever said: Patience is a virtue, has never experienced slow Internet.
Of course, we are living through extreme scenarios, but our greatest enemy may be impatience. Ward off the temptation of rage or hopelessness. Recognize that you have no real capacity to exercise your will on the world.
Unclench your fists, please. Yes, far worse may even be coming our way. But we can still enjoy the evanescent manifestations of nature. What gifts are within your grasp? Do not lose sight of natural beauty. It is an invitation – a resting place of hope and peace for you.
Celebrate the beauty of your daily life. Say pleasant and encouraging things to others. Bring your faculties of appreciation to bear on this very day. The people in your life should be a source of reducing stress, not creating it.
The sky is still a delightful blue, there are still masterpieces of art, and you do not need a USB port to connect with nature. It’s been said: “To walk into nature is to witness a thousand miracles.” I Googled my symptoms; it turns out I just need to be surrounded by nature.
Despite it all, we choose joy. Resist the temptation to let the darkness overwhelm you. Refuse to receive doom and gloom. Remove the sting of life with humor, my friends. It’s been said: Our five senses are incomplete without the sixth – a sense of humor. Trust me. You can get through anything one day at a time.
Caroline is a licensed psychotherapist, crisis counselor, and writer with an office in Queens. She works with individuals, couples, and families. Appointments are available throughout the week and weekends. She can be reached at 917-717-1775 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at facebook.com/pages/Safe-Haven-Healing.