empty The Way It Iz

You Don’t Know Squat

If you haven’t been following the insanity of the saga of Adele Andaloro, you are missing out on...

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 We are now three months into the largest vaccination campaign in history, both on a national and global scale. And since we live in a time where we can’t seem to agree on anything – even how to rescue humanity from a global pandemic – there have predictably been a lot of opinions about how we should “deal” with those who choose to not get the COVID vaccine.

 Governor Andrew Cuomo is facing two major allegations that have the potential to be the catalysts to remove him from office. However, there is an obvious difference between how the two stories are being covered, and that difference will determine the future of New York State.

It seems like forever ago, but think back to a time before COVID. The biggest scourge facing the Jewish community was a rise in anti-Semitic incidents. The major attacks at the end of 2019 resulted in the deaths of several people. There was a march against anti-Semitism across the Brooklyn Bridge. President Trump signed a law protecting Jews on college campuses. Once COVID began, we started dealing with a whole new crisis.

Governor Andreas Cuomo has come under fire for his handling of the crisis this past spring. In Adar, Jews across the empire were facing extinction as the decree issued by King Achashverosh affected all 127 states under his rule. Cuomo, governor of the densely populated state of Madai (Media), claimed to have been doing all he could to protect any potential victims who resided in his state.