Dear Editor:
Having been a New York State Asbestos Inspector for 20 years, I am very familiar with the various types of respirators. I noticed there were several inaccuracies in the article about masks by Risselle Naimark that I would like to correct. Ms. Naimark identified the mask with the P100 pink filters as a gas mask, but these filters are only for particulates, not gases or vapors. They filter the same particles as the N95 mask, but theoretically can filter out 100% of the dangerous substances. Different cartridges that filter gases can be attached to the mask and would provide protection from various gases and vapors. The photo of the full-face respirator was called a powered air purifying respirator (PAPR). In truth, it is a full-face respirator, but not a PAPR. The powered air purifying respirator includes this mask and also comes with a separate belt worn on the waist that holds a battery pack to power a small fan that sends filtered air into the mask through an attached hose. This type of device costs $800-900.
Interesting as all this is, wearing a mask helps but does not guarantee full protection. It is still very important to follow the CDC’s advice on social distancing, not touching one’s face, and washing hands for 20 seconds frequently. May Hashem remove this plague from us quickly.
Barbara Eisenberg
Dear Editor:
In addition to all the obvious heroes, like Queens Hatzolah and all the doctors and nurses in our hospitals, I just want to publicly recognize the wonderful and caring volunteers of Zeh LaZeh and Chaveirim for going out of their way to help our crown and glory, our parents and grandparents, to get basic food needs, while keeping them out of harm’s way. A special shout-out to Mark Mittel for his care and offers of assistance.
It is this mobilization of pure chesed and ahavas Yisrael that undoubtedly was noticed by HaKadosh Baruch Hu and will hopefully hasten the coming of Mashiach imminently.
With prayers for a r’fuah sh’leimah for all cholei Yisrael, and may the rest of us continue to stay safe.
With boundless gratitude,
Dovid Solomon & Family
Dear Editor:
When Goldy Krantz said “goodbye” to the QJL, my family and I figured we would no longer be reading this paper. “There’s no point if she is not writing!” Honestly, it’s the first column we go to, and we are happy she’s back!
In reading the column on Zoom-dating during COVID-19 (April 8, “Is This Normal”), I thought to myself, “She must have been hit with the virus, too; she’s off her game!”
I’m offering my two cents of negative feedback because I like Goldy too much to withhold it, and it is clear that so many people rely on her wisdom, advice, and guidance (and humor).
I worry about your readership possibly hearing the wrong message, which could reinforce what so many people do when they encounter red flags: Dismiss it, rationalize it, ignore it. And then do the same thing over and over again each time they are confronted with such behavior – and after that, coming to see me after being tormented in an abusive marriage for 6 months or 16 years.
Of course, from the writer’s letter, it’s not possible to know what’s really going on with the guy’s harsh questioning and controlling demands. Perhaps he is terrified after suffering the loss of a sibling’s overdose. There are so many possibilities. But to not take note at all in Goldy’s response of the possibility that his behavior is a red flag and is something for her to look into was disturbing and seemed negligent to me. Now that they are slowing down the dating and using Zoom to talk to each other, this is a perfect time for her to explore this with him. Perhaps there’s a pattern of intrusive and controlling behavior that could come to light if she were to be given such guidance.
My blessings to Goldy for continued strength, keep writing, and good health for everyone.
Chaya Feuerman, LCSW-R
Thank you for your email, Chaya. I appreciate your support and I don’t mind the criticism. Everyone is free to have an opinion.
Did you not read where I write that the writer should contact Shalom Task Force if she is worried about the fellow’s behavior? I did not ignore one word of what she wrote and her concerns. I am not in any position, personal or professional, to discuss an abusive relationship, what to look for, what steps to take. The emails I receive that I feel may be about abuse, I do not publish, and I always refer the person, male or female, to Shalom Task Force. I too was left in the dark about much the letter writer alluded to – but what she and I wrote is true: No one knows what normal is anymore. Maybe this fellow has lost someone close to him due to drugs or not, maybe he’s going stir-crazy because he’s claustrophobic and is reacting to social distancing and being stuck at home. Maybe this fellow felt like he was being left out of a big decision, and since he’s planning on proposing soon, he was hurt. I suggested that she speak to him about why he is so against her taking medication. There can be so much going on here that we don’t know and we can be off the mark or on the mark. I just didn’t know enough to start telling her to investigate this fellow’s behavior concerning her medication.
The point of the article was me telling people to do what they feel they have to in order to make it through these new scary, anxiety-ridden times. Do what they have to – within reason, of course.
Chaya, I’m sorry you didn’t agree with my opinion. I touched on a little bit of everything and didn’t ignore the abuse signs, hence recommending Shalom Task Force because I am not experienced in dealing with abusive relationships. But I can’t go into detail on everything in the space allotted in my column. I’m sure you’re able to understand from writing your own articles – I’m a fan of yours (and your husband’s), as well.
Please don’t assume that I or anyone else was or is suffering from an illness because you don’t fully agree with what they say, do, or write. It’s a cruel thing to say or even joke about these days. Like I always say, the column is my opinion, and everyone is free to agree or disagree. Thank you for your past support. I hope I will have it in the future, too.
Wishing you hatzlachah and the best.
Dear Editor:
Allow me to extend my condolences to NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer on the loss of his mother, Ms. Arlene Stringer-Cuevas, at the age of 86. We will never know if, at her advanced age, she had any pre-existing conditions that may have also contributed to her passing. In a time of unparalleled crises, everyone should unite, regardless of party, ideology, age, ethnicity, economic income, or sexual orientation.
Shame on Stringer for abdicating his leadership position. His statement that “President Trump has “Mom’s blood on his hands” after she died from COVID-19 was outrageous! It is China, not President Trump, who has “blood on their hands.” How many months did China withhold critical information that could have been useful? If China had contained and quarantined a month earlier, this outbreak could have been significantly reduced around the world; his mom might still be alive today.
It is China, not President Trump who owes financial reimbursement and formal apologies for the deaths and monetary costs incurred due to their obvious negligence. Shame on Stringer for acting as a demagogue, instead of a leader. This makes him unfit for mayor in 2021.
Larry Penner