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As we prepare for Shabbos Zachor and Purim, a new Amaleik in Iran, the land of Haman, threatens the future of Israel, the Jewish people, and the civilized world. At the same time, war between two countries with long histories of anti-Semitism, Russia and Ukraine, carries the risk of drawing much of the world into a much larger conflagration. What can Megillas Esther, which tells us how our ancestors successfully defeated a plot to annihilate us in ancient Persia, teach us about how to deal with the challenges confronting us in today’s world?

With the excitement that only a Democrat with a 38% approval rating can bring, hundreds of Republicans from around New York State filed into the Garden City Hotel this week to officially nominate their chosen candidates for statewide office. Nassau County Joe Cairo welcomed the crowd with open arms, and with a clear voice and strong majority, the 62 counties that make up the state chose Congressman Lee Zeldin to take on Governor Kathy Hochul in 2022.

2022 is already slated to be a big year for Republicans around the country.  Given the massive failures of the Biden administration on both foreign and domestic policy, and the backlash that inevitably comes from said failures, Republicans have a massive opportunity.