Colors: Cyan Color

Okay. Truth time. How many hours, days, or weeks do you spend staring at a screen? There you are again, binge-watching your fave shows, playin’ video games, checking your phone for the fifth time in the last four minutes, or just lounging around indoors in your comfy clothes. When was the last time you hung out in a green space, surrounded by trees, soaking in that natural sunlight?

You know what they say: “Everybody wants to change the world. But nobody wants to change the toilet paper roll.” How about you be the change? If you believe you can actually make a difference in this ole world, you will act differently. Instead of dreaming or overthinking, you will begin to take action. And that, my friends, is where the magic is. Mind your mind. What are you thinking right now, and is it helpful?

Look. Some people just won’t admit their faults. I would – if I had any. Heh. Oh, wait I do have one: When I ask someone their name, I forget to listen to what their name is. Lol. You still holdin’ on to that grudge and refuse to extend the olive branch to yourself? If you don’t practice self-love and forgive yourself, you may as well drive through life with your hand-brake on. Hey, you’re always with yourself; so you might as well enjoy the company. It’s time to bury the hatchet and kiss and make up with yourself, my friends.

OMG. Your favorite team just lost the playoffs? Talk about a letdown, huh. You know the feeling: Your family put those empty cereal boxes back in the cabinet. There’s nothing like having disappointment for breakfast. How about that time you received no “likes” on your witty status update? Or when you can’t find the answers to your homework on Google? Sheesh. Sometimes disappointments can deluge your entire life. You know, when it rains, it hails coconuts. Well you know what they say: “If life doesn’t break you today, don’t worry – it will try again tomorrow.” But guess what? Even if you’re fed up, you gotta keep your head up.

Oish, here comes that routine again. The same ole same ole. Daily chores, responsibilities, and expectations. We humans have been dealing with this since the dawn of civilization. We have felt disgruntled, dissatisfied, and disappointed – convinced that life is somehow supposed to be better than it is right now. Believe it or not, the secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.