Colors: Cyan Color

Soooo, what do you want? No, not for dinner, but out of your life. Oh, your favorite thing to make for dinner is reservations. Uh, oh. Well, this is me wanting something: I see it. I like it. I want it. I check the price. I put it back. Lol. Having trouble answering what it is you truly wish for? It’s okay. Trust me on this, my friends. It is not easy to know the difference between what we want and possibly what others want for us. No one is the expert on you. You are. So if you cannot answer honestly, how about we explore why you can’t.

Would you agree that there is something that transcends your mind and is connected to your spirit? Indeed, we sense some kind of energy that we often call our soul or essence. Could it be our “higher self” or our true nature that we constantly seek? Certainly there are some scientists and dissectors of the mind who will deny anything they cannot visibly see. And where does this “anima” emanate from – our brains or our hearts? It is all so illusive and intangible. Does it reside in our psyche or is it in the seat of our affections? Sounds kind of psycho-spiritual, eh?

Are you the type who seems to end up in a holiday spirit wasteland? While everyone around you is planning family meals, or ordering gifts online already, you reign it all in and refuse to jump through the leaves or even play Dreidel? Well, I’m here to tell you that sometimes it’s healthy and even mature to harness all that childish sparkle and spunk, because if you can’t let go even during holiday seasons, when will you ever?

Is it fair to say that you get what you expect in this life? Or is that a tad too harsh for you? Well, think about it for a second. If you don’t believe you will do well, how hard are you even going to try? And without that full blown effort, how successful can you be? I know: No matter how low you lower the bar of expectation, some people manage to roll right under it. Sheesh. Speaking of which, coffee has given me unrealistic expectations of productivity…but I digress.

So what kind of person are you? Better yet, what kind would you like to be? Are you a good soul? When was the last time you helped an old lady cross the street, offered your seat to someone on the train, or gave more charity than you wanted to? You know that generosity is what keeps the things you own from owning you. Think about it. Being “good” means different things to different people. But we humans do have some things in common. We tend to seek pleasure and avoid pain at all costs. And we all truly have a need for love – whether we admit it or not. I bet you don’t know anyone who wants to be known as a “bad” person.