Although winter did not officially begin, the season seems to be getting a head start this year. We have already had days in November that were more reminiscent of January weather. If this is any prediction of the coming winter days, you can get ready to combat the lower temperatures as well as your skin’s loss of moisture. Dry indoor heating systems don’t help matters either. The following tips will provide your skin with some TLC and the extra pampering it will need.

Acne, blackheads, and oily skin are some of the top skin concerns of teenagers. This is due to hormonal surges, which lead to enlargement of oil glands, and can result in blackheads and large pores. Read on for some tips to keep your skin looking healthy.

Are you always pressed for time and feeling rushed in the morning? Do you wish you could streamline your makeup routine, but feel you’re stuck in a rut? The following tips will help cut your eye makeup and lipstick time in half. Learn how to enhance your eyes and impart color to the lips by creating a beautiful look in a few short minutes.

Retinol, tretinoin, and vitamin A are three ingredients that are connected in some ways. However, they are not one and the same.

Retinol is a weaker over-the-counter version of tretinoin, which is a prescription vitamin A derivative. It is highly effective in reversing sun damage and signs of aging. Both retinol and prescription tretinoin have been shown to have an effect on the skin. It’s used in acne treatment, reversal of sun damage (photo-aging), and to improve skin smoothness, texture, and to decrease fine lines and inflammation from rosacea.

Do you wish your eyes were bigger and brighter and that you were born with thicker lashes? The following tips can help you achieve these glamorous looks with a few simple makeup tricks.