The Power of Ashrei
Yoducha Hashem kol maasecha, va’chasidecha y’var’chuchah
All your works shall thank you, Hashem, and Your devout ones will recognize that You are the source of all blessings.
One interpretation of maasecha is: all creations other than man. The other creations “thank and praise” Hashem when man recognizes a sliver of Hashem’s wisdom through contemplating the wisdom with which all creations were created and how they are all provided their sustenance. The same is true when we recognize the beauty of Hashem’s creations.
We also must give praise and thanks to Hashem for the merit of being able to praise and thank Him. David HaMelech calls this merit better than life itself.
Some interpret maasecha to include man, but only those who are not involved in Torah, while va’chasidecha refers to those involved in Torah. The difference between them is that those not involved in Torah will thank and praise on a basic level, while those involved in Torah will praise in the form of making formal brachos with Hashem’s name and mentioning His malchus (kingship) in each brachah. We will discuss below how powerful the formal brachos we make truly are.
Va’chasidecha refers to either all of klal Yisrael who have the merit to be able to make formal brachos, or to just the chasidim within klal Yisrael who constantly spend time contemplating Hashem’s creations and all the good Hashem bestows upon us. They express their praise and thanks through making formal brachos on food, drink, certain wonders of creation, Torah, mitzvos, and more! Each time we make a brachah, we recognize that Hashem is the source of all blessings and goodness.
Men (according to all opinions) and women (according to some) have an obligation to recite 100 brachos daily, every day of their lives. These are opportunities for us to connect with Hashem throughout our hectic day. Below are just a few of the many wondrous words our Chazal have said about this tremendous daily opportunity and daily obligation:
The merit of the brachos leads to the increase in compassion from HaKadosh Baruch Hu.
Through the reciting of brachos, peace is increased between Yisrael and their Father in shamayim.
Through [a person’s] reciting of brachos, Hashem’s kavod is magnified, and thereby the person will be improved and elevated.
As a result of the brachos that a person recites to HaKadosh Baruch Hu, he draws life from the source of all life … and draws life from there that is directed to the entire world.
And this is the singular solution to draw, as a result of it [the reciting of brachos]: blessing and healing, and a great and speedy salvation from all types of difficult and severe illnesses; and it has the power to influence proper health and a life that is good, lengthy, and pleasant.
May we soon merit for all of mankind to thank and praise Hashem when the day comes that Hashem will be recognized as King over all of the universe.
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