Question: Must a new couple tovel a utensil immediately upon receiving it as a wedding gift? 

Short Answer: Many poskim do not require immediate t’vilah. However, because some poskim do require immediate t’vilah, it is certainly preferable to tovel the utensil as soon as possible.

Question: Must glass utensils be toveled? Plastic utensils? If yes, is a brachah recited?

Short Answer: The Gemara rules that glass utensils must be toveled and the vast majority of poskim rule that a brachah is recited. Plastic is trickier, and is a dispute among contemporary poskim. The general custom is that plastic utensils do not need toveling. 

Question: Do Snapple bottles, pickle jars, and other glass utensils that are purchased with food inside require t’vilah?

 Short Answer: Most poskim do not require the purchaser to tovel the utensil unless he plans on putting other food content into the utensil. Poskim are split on whether one may pour back the emptied contents of the utensils without first toveling the utensil. Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l, however, even permits a purchaser to put other food content into the utensil without toveling it first.

Question: Does one violate a Biblical prohibition by using a non-toveled utensil? 

Short Answer: It is a machlokes whether one violates a Biblical prohibition by using a non-toveled utensil. Regardless, one may not delay toveling a utensil (that he uses), and if he does, he possibly violates a mitzvas asei (positive commandment).

Question: Do aluminum pans and other disposable utensils require t’vilah?

 Short Answer: Contemporary poskim are divided whether disposable utensils made out of metal or glass, such as aluminum pans, require t’vilah. The general custom appears to be that no t’vilah is required, assuming these utensils will only be used one time.

Question: Is there a prohibition of yichud when a male convert is secluded with his mother?

 Short Answer: This is a major dispute amongst contemporary poskim. The vast majority, though, are lenient, as there still is a familial connection between the convert and his mother.