Chazaq, TorahAnytime, and Chickens for Shabbos are hosting a new, inspiring, virtual T’hilim shiur with acclaimed author and storyteller Rabbi Yechiel Spero on Monday nights at 8:30.
In the first moving shiur on Monday evening, April 25, Rabbi Spero delved into the themes and ideas in the first two chapters of T’hilim. He stated that the goal for this new shiur series is to go through the entire Sefer T’hilim by the end of the series.
He noted that “T’hilim is filled with timeless treasures.” The first perek states that a person is praiseworthy if he doesn’t go with evil people. King David knew that there would be suffering in klal Yisrael and he knew that “the T’hilim would be a comforting companion to each and every Yid at difficult times.” If you are in a hospital waiting room, you know that a Jew will have a T’hilim with him. “T’hilim is our trustworthy friend.”
Rav Gifter taught that Torah is the solution to all ills of our society. King David states in this perek: “But only in the Torah of Hashem is his desire, and in His Torah he meditates day and night.” This perek is teaching that Torah needs to be the central focus of our lives.
Rabbi Spero shared a story that took place during the time of the Maskilim. There were Torah students who were being bothered by these maskilim, so they left the beis midrash to argue with them. One student stayed behind. Avrumel stayed and continued to learn Torah and did not go out to argue with them. The other bachurim admonished him for not joining them to fight for Torah. That bachur became the Chazon Ish. Some of the others who went out to argue with them actually got pulled in and became maskilim.
The most important thing is to learn Torah, enable Torah, and support Torah – and then all your difficulties will disappear. This is a recurring theme in T’hilim.
In Perek 2, the t’hilah asks why the goyim persecute us. We are Hashem’s favorite child. Hashem loves us and cares about us more. All of the interests of other nations will be in vain. King David teaches that our response to difficulty is to be in song, because we know that Hashem loves us very much and would never do anything to hurt us.
These are two vital ideas that we should always keep in mind. First, Hashem is the only being who can make anything happen in the world. Second, Hashem would never do anything to hurt his children. “A Jewish person needs to know that he or she is the child of the King, and we will always find our way home.”
Rabbi Spero concluded that “We are Hashem’s children. We have protectsiah and He will never ever abandon us.
This shiur can be viewed on
By Susie Garber